World Children's Day 2019
Today, Wednesday 20th November 2019, marks World Children’s Day (1) and it is inspiring seeing so many young people taking action across the globe in defence of their future.
This upsurge in action has had many themes. In particular the climate and environmental emergency has led to millions protesting about impact human activity has on the environment and how this affects their human rights and risks their future (2).
Children’s rights have been enormously strengthened since the publication of the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) in 1989 – but thirty years on we still have very severe and worldwide violations. United Nations Sustainable Goal 16 (Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels) sets out a marker on what we have to achieve and the Childhub initiative aims to develop professional advocacy and support for defending the rights of children and child protection systems (3) is one that psychologists fully endorse, no child left behind.
The human rights of children are of crucial importance to everyone in the world, psychologists included.
In 2013 the European Federation of Psychologists’ Associations (EFPA) called for psychologists and their associations to engage more strongly in protection and promotion of human rights. Today, the call is even more urgent as we are witnessing threats to and reversal of fundamental human rights in many parts of the world (see the World Justice Report (4). Alongside this reversal, we are witnessing a resurgence in resistance and creative and engaging movements emerging
Psychologists should be sensitive and driven by strong ethical and personal values to engage their communities and local societies in building a human right sensitive culture.
Psychologists must use their influence to drive change for the most marginalized and deprived children. Advocacy of children rights should be initiated by psychologists at all levels, taking a human-rights based approach to their practice and advocacy in legislation and policy making. Understanding the needs of children both globally and across Europe should be always centre stage.
“ ..the psychological and developmental harm that is currently being brought upon the children, are unquestionable. As psychologists we are obligated to speak up when fundamental human rights are being violated and when children are at risk… Therefore, we urge the leaders of the world to take necessary actions to protect children in refugee camps and to respect and be compliant to the international humanitarian laws meant to protect civilians.” - for the full press release see (5)
All efforts must be made by psychologists to join with others on World Children’s day to make all children’s lives as good as they can possibly be, and no child left behind.
Press contact: EFPA Head Office – headoffice(at)efpa.eu
EFPA Board Human Rights and Psychology – EFPA Board Promotion and Prevention
(1) World Children’s Day Information www.unicef.org/world-childrens-day
(2) https://www.thelancet.com/action/showPdf?pii=S0140-6736%2819%2932596-6
(3) Justice Childhub – a new initiative on justice for children in sdg16+ aims to ensure that no child is left behind in the sustainable development agenda. From their website they say:
The Child Protection Hub was initiated by a group of individuals and organisations from 9 different countries, from South East Europe and the wider European region. As a professional community, we strive for a safe, nurturing and inclusive environment for all children. We have come together to realise this ambitious project in order to provide child protection professionals with tools for working and developing, space for constant learning and communication and with an opportunity to become a part of a strong regional community of practice. https://justice.childhub.org/en/sdg16j4c
(4) World Justice Project report https://worldjusticeproject.org/sites/default/files/documents/WJP-ForumReport-October-2019-Online_0.pdf
(5) EFPA press release http://efpa.eu/news/psychologists-urge-world-leadersaction-is-required-to-protect-children-in-refugee-camps