
Onze zustervereniging BAPS kondigt aan dat je weldra je kandidaat kunt stellen voor de Best Master Thesis Award 2021. Vanaf 01.07.2021 kan je indienen.

Dit is een bericht van onze zustervereniging BAPS, Belgian Association for Psychological Science.

Een warme oproep aan onze student - leden met een goede thesis om hier gebruik van te maken. Leden die toevallig promotor zijn van een goede thesis, aarzel niet om uw student aan te porren zich kandidaat te stellen!

BAPS annually sponsors an award for the best master thesis in Psychology. The purpose of the award is to recognize master theses that use a scientific approach and make an original contribution to any field in psychology (clinical, social, cognitive, modelling, developmental, industrial, etc.). The winner of the Best Master Thesis Award receives €500.

We would like to inform you that the call for the BAPS 2022 Best Master Thesis Award will be open as from 1st of July 2021 (until 15th of November 2021). To enter this year’s competition, candidates must have completed a Master Thesis within the domain of Psychological Sciences at a Belgian University during the 2020-2021 academic year and have received a score of at least 16/20 for their thesis. 
As soon as the call opens, all information about the eligibility, application and evaluation procedure for this award can be found on our website (Best Master Thesis Award | baps).